Language: Malayalam with some Hindi and Punjabi
Cast: Mohanlal, Honey Rose, Sudev Nair, Lakshmi Manchu, Leena, KB Ganeshkumar, Siddique, Johny Antony
Director: Vysakh
Star Rating: 0.25/5
The Monster crew does not see Sikhs, Punjabis, or homosexuals as humans. Instead, they are seen as gimmicks, means of creating tension and writing major revelations in crime dramas.
Kudos to director Vysakh and writer Uday Krishna for being consistent on this consistently embarrassing new Malayalam movie.
Monster It begins with a women-only taxi service that sends Bhamini (Honey Rose) to transport a customer named Lucky Singh (Mohanlal) around Kochi. When they meet, she becomes put off by her over-familiarity. Almost as off-putting as Lucky’s creepy, flirtatious demeanor with a woman young enough to be his daughter and a stranger who mistakes her for his wife, is the veteran actor who makes his way into the role of a Sikh and pretends to be a natural Punjabi speaker. although his clumsiness with the language is evident. In Monster sprinkling Punjabi and Hindi in your conversations with Malayalis in Kerala who don’t know is also not nearly as ridiculous as Suresh Gopi’s character in the recent Mei Hoom Moosa sprinkling his sentences with Hindi in a town in the state. He is contrived, unrealistic, and downright silly.

After a terrible first half, there was briefly some intrigue regarding the identities of the various parties involved and the potential motives of the criminals in the second half. However, nothing about Monster is so powerful as to overshadow its consistently poor script, generic treatment, crudeness, clunky dialogue, and Mohanlal’s self-conscious acting.
At some time, Monster makes the decision to advocate for LGBT+ rights. Because, as we see from viewing this film, a covert homophobe who passes for a liberal might be worse than an open homophobe, I should have spared the world the trouble.
The portrayal of homosexuals in Monster and the dreadful acting are done to appeal to prevalent stereotypes. The writer’s understanding of Indian legislation governing marriage and same-sex partnerships is unclear, inaccurate, and lacking. He combines his terrible lack of concern for his topic with a seeming ignorance of the distinction between social approval and legal sanction. While some characters purport to be understanding of homosexuality, their language is never free of a us versus them attitude.

Certain Monster elements It made me think of a terrible Hindi film from 2004 called Girlfriend, in which the heroine was a killer kickboxer, biker, and lesbian who, to further reinforce the stereotypes, chopped off her long hair in the middle of the story. At the conclusion, it was revealed that she was (wait!) Christian. The only saving grace in that episode was that Isha Koppikkar, Amrita Arora, and Aashish Chaudhary’s director-writer Karan Razdan was a bit player who never had a big break in the movie industry. On the other hand, it’s unfortunate that Vysakh is the blockbuster who invented blockbusters. raja pokkiri Pulimurugan, Y As one of the most well-known actors in Malayalam film history, Mohanlal has worked with Uday Krishna for many years, who is also a successful actor. What justification does this trio have for making a movie as horribly retrograde as Monster?
The normalisation of religious minorities in Kerala has been one of the encouraging aspects of modern Malayalam cinema. The unfortunate reality is that Malayalam filmmakers are still susceptible to fanaticism and security ploys. Islamophobia in Mei Hoom Moosa is Example A. Exhibit B: A homophobic director who purposefully labels gays in his film Monster as Christians, shielding himself from the fury of the audience’s majority components in a culture that is primarily anti-LGBT. By doing this, Vysakh emulates both Pan Nalin’s critically acclaimed Hindi-English film Angry Indian Goddesses and the gloomy Girlfriend (2015).
The portrayal of LGBT++ persons in Monster is rife with stereotypes. A lesbian pair is shown via an unabashedly racy lens; in one shot, their breasts wobble as they avidly ogle one other before their bodies crash together with animal ferocity, ignoring other people in the room. clearly created with the general people in mind. Seeing ladies make out is a cis-heterosexual man dream. In a nation where conservatives sometimes refer to homosexuality as a “Western notion,” the scene in Monster that summarises a same-gender relationship in the plot even has an English song playing in the background.
Your choice of title, Monster, is an homage to the 2018 Tamil movie Ratsasan (Demon), which demonised a guy who, in reality, deserved sympathy from the general public for the injustice he had endured his whole life. In the movie trailer, Vysakh is shown pointing his gun towards individuals whose criminal behaviour was motivated by the severe persecution they had experienced. In case you missed it, near the conclusion of Monster, the supposedly decent man says something to the effect of: “Law enforcement’s obligation is not to seek justice for the perpetrator, but justice for the victim.” If he had been a character in Victor Hugo’s French classic The Miserables and had seen a poor guy steal food for a hungry family, I suppose we can confidently assume what his viewpoint would have been. It’s surprising how little subtlety, empathy, and fundamental humanity there is in Monster.
Rating: 0.25 (out of 5 stars)
Monster is in theaters now.